Kearney FM Area,Breaking,Crime,Northumberland,Northumbria Police Robber who threatened more than a dozen victims at knifepoint jailed

Robber who threatened more than a dozen victims at knifepoint jailed

Robber who threatened more than a dozen victims at knifepoint jailed post thumbnail image

A robber who held more than a dozen victims at knifepoint has been jailed.

Images are supplied with the following condition: ‘Northumbria Police Copyright – No Reproduction Without Permission’.

Rowan Hague targeted adults and children at random on the streets of Blyth, Northumberland, and threatened to harm to them unless they handed over cash, mobile phones, or mountain bikes.

The offending began at around 4.30pm on February 15, when he approached a male cycling along Chase Farm Drive, stealing his bike.

The 23-year-old went on to commit similar offences over the next hour in the surrounding area.

The speed and scale of the offending quickly led to rumours circulating within the community of there being more than one offender.

However, quick-time enquiries soon identified Hague as the sole culprit, and he was arrested in the early hours of the following morning and later charged with eight counts of robbery and five counts of attempted robbery.

Hague, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to all charges at Newcastle Crown Court and was remanded in custody.

He appeared before the same court on Monday and was jailed for seven-and-a-half years with an extended licence period of a further three years.

Leading the investigation, Detective Constable Adele Catlow, of Northumbria Police said: “Rowan Hague is clearly a dangerous individual, and I am very pleased he has now been handed a lengthy custodial sentence.

“Thanks to the bravery of those victims who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, we were quickly able to identify Hague and compile the evidence which left him with no choice but to plead guilty to his crimes.

“The number and severity of these offences shocked the town and caused a great deal of distress, and I hope this sentence will reassure those in the community.”

Victims of robbery can report a crime in progress by calling 999 or report suspicious activity and behaviour by sending us a private message on social media or visiting the live chat on the Force website.

For those unable to contact police this way, call 101.

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